Find Tryouts. Evaluate Tryouts. True tryouts.

True Tryouts is the newest and easiest way to make your tryout process, as a coach and as an athlete, the most efficient and accurate evaluation tool for baseball and softball.

The Way it Works For Coaches and Organizations


Create an Account

Create an account as the head of your team or organization. You will have full access to your own event dashboard to manage every age group and event you create. Here, you can create events, invite evaluators, see who's coming, and edit the event details.


Upload Your Event

Create the event with the age group, date, time, location, city, state. Include the arrival time and upload your event flyer. Event details can be edited in case you change your flyer, location, or time and date of the event.


Set Price per player

At a minimum of $5 per player, you can set any price for your event. You can charge more to pay your evaluators for their time or you can put the profits into your team account. For amounts $6-50, you get the amount you set minus $5. For any amount above $50, you get 90% back.


Invite Evaluators

Once you know how many athletes are attending by looking at your dashboard, you can accurately invite the correct number of evaluators to assist with the tryout event. You simply send each coach an email invite, they make their own account, and a dashboard will show their list of events to assist evaluating.


Download Scores

At the conclusion of your event, in which you get up to a two-week grace period to complete, you can simply download an Excel spreadsheet to see all of your evaluations. The scores are sortable to see who scored best in each category, helping you determine which player is best for each team.

The Way It Works For Athletes And Parents


Create an Account

Create an account as the head of household for your athlete(s). You'll insert contact info for the main parent account and then create an athlete account for as many participants you have in your home. For each player profile, you'll upload a profile picture, positions, player sizes, and their graduation year.


Find Your Event

Once your athlete accounts are created, you simply select your players age and state want to try out. The filter will show every event in that state. You'll see the date, city, and price to enter each event. You will pay for the event upon clicking the register button.


Show Up

When you entered and paid, the coach has all of your info and player info. You just show up to the field or facility at the time listed on the flyer. The event coordinator will assign your athlete a tryout number at the check in station.


Compare Scores

At the conclusion of each event, the event director will email your your individual athlete score report. You can then compare scores to select which team is best for your athlete(s) to join.


Download Scores

At the conclusion of your event, in which you get up to a two-week grace period to complete, you can simply download an Excel spreadsheet to see all of your evaluations. The scores are sortable to see who scored best in each category, helping you determine which player is best for each team.

Upcoming Events

USA Prime AZ West Valley - May 4

uSA Prime Colorado - July 2-3

Colorado Spring Blackbirds - June 28

Teams and Organizations We Partner With

Give us your Feedback

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We would appreciate any input on how to make our website and tryout application better for coaches and athletes. 

Follow us on Instagram: @truetryouts